5 Tips to keep your self healthy

A healthy body can survive in any aspect of life, keeping you body out of dirty object or things that can harm a body is more value.

Nothing like a healthy environment, not only our body, our environment also need to be clean in order to avoid contamination with germ's.

Although there's some tip's that we can maintain in order to keep our self and environment clean.

1. Environmental sanitation

     First thing to consider in keeping our self healthy is cleaning our environment time to time, this will help in maintaining our goods and services that can be attack by germs or indoor parasite.

2. Eating Healthy Food

    Healthy food can be found in every place were stuff a kept safe, eating healthy food can support our body growth and fight against any harmful that want to affect our body.

      E .g > protein

             > vitamin / minerals

             > carbohydrates

3. Good water 

Water are the most thing needed in life, it helps a lot in maintaining a good condition of life.

Drinking a good water can make it less in contacting many disease that are cause by taking or drinking dirty water.

4. Bath

Taking bath helps in keeping our self healthy, bathing in three (3) time daily can help against body infection or any germ that will harm our body.

Using clean water to bath is the solution.

 5. Visiting Hospital

One out of more is to visit hospital for checking of our health status, now a days some peoples don't want to go for a Heath checking because they don't want to hear something for their health issue.

Knowing your health status is better in life we should maintain to visit a hospital at least (3) time per month just to keep our body in good condition.