How To Apply For - Market Money loan 2023

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Market Moni is a cooperative-based loan, so your cooperative or association must indicate interest in the program. All applications go through the Bank of Industry, which can be done through the Bank of Industry website or by phone at 0700-CALL-BOI.

You can also visit any Bank of Industry office branch located throughout the country.

Requirements For Market Money 

Here are the requirement you need in applying for Market Moni loan:

       • Your Bank Verification Number

       • Proof of membership to a cooperative or association

       • A location for your business

       • Your cooperative can stand as a guarantor in your loan application

Amount Of Disbursement Per Loan

The amount offered in this loans varies, but recipients may apply for loans ranging from N10,000 to N100,000 per beneficiary, depending on the business you're offered. 

The loans come with a one-time administrative fee of 5%, with no interest charged. Repaying the loan within the stipulated period opens you the door for a higher loan amounts next.