7 Facts About Proposed New Nigeria National ID Card

7 Facts About Proposed New Nigeria National ID Card

Recall that a few days ago, the Nigerian Government shared an update stating that the Federal Government of Nigeria, through the National identity Management Commission (NIMC) in collaboration with the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) and the Nigeria inter-bank Settlements System (NIBSS), has launched an innovative identity solution with payment functionality for all types of social and financial services to be powered by AfriGO, a National domestic card scheme.

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NIMC management has given a new update stating the key facts about the proposed new general multipurpose National identity card. See details below:

1. The new National ID Card is a single, convenient, and General multipurpose card (GMPC) , eliminating the need for multiple cards not three.

2. The single GMPC has multiple use cases: Payments/Financial, Government intervention/ services, travel, etc

3. The National Identity Management Commission is working with the Central Bank of Nigeria and the Nigerian Interbank Settlement System to deliver the payment and financial use cases.

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4. The card will be powered by the AFRIGO card scheme, an indigenous scheme powered by NIBSS.

5. Applicants for the card will have to request with their NIN through the self-service online portal, NIMC offices, or their respective banks

6. The card will be issued through the applicants’ respective banks in line with existing protocols with the issuance of the Debit/Credit cards.

7. The card can be picked up by holders at the designated center or delivered to the applicants at the requested location at an extra cost to be borne by the applicants.

Key features include:

a. Machine-readable Zone (MRZ) in conformation with ICAO for e-passport information identity card issue Date and document number in line with ICAO standard

b. Additional features include travel, health insurance information, microloans, agriculture, food stamps, transport, and energy subsidies, etc.

c. Nigeria's quick response code (NQR) containing the national identification number.

d. Biometric authentication, such as fingerprint and pictures, as the primary medium for identity verification through the data on the card chip.

e. Offline capability that allows transactions in areas with limited network coverage or zero infrastructure connectivity

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f. Functionality as a debit and prepaid card catering to both banked and unbanked individuals.

More information can be found on NIMC website https://nimc.gov.ng