What To After You Receive BOI FG 50K Grant Survey SMS

What To After You Receive BOI FG 50K Grant Survey SMS

In today's Latest FG Grant News, we will be updating you on what Actions to Take Upon Receiving BOI FG 50K Grant Survey SMS. So keep reading!

We noticed that some of you who received the survey SMS are still wondering on what to do. So we decided to create this post to share more light.

The survey SMS sent out read as follows:

Dear beneficiary, We are pleased to inform you that you have been selected to participate in a survey by BOI about the N50,000 Federal Government Grant you received. Our agents will NOT ask you for your BVN/NIN/AC details or any financial benefits. For more inquiries, pls call 07000551111.

If you receive this message, what you should do is to try to contact the number contained in the message for further instructions from BOI.

Recall that a few days ago we shared an update about the dedicated number released by the Minister of trade for the FG grant and loan inquiries which you read the details here Dedicated Hotline For FG Grant PCGS Application Inquiries