Apply for Cohort 2025 International Youth Leadership Program

Apply for Cohort 2025 International Youth Leadership Program

Tzu Chi’s International Youth Leadership Program (IYLP) is a 9-month program for young people aged 20-35 years, fostering young leaders with an international outlook. IYLP develops and equips youth with skills, knowledge, resources, and practical experiences to become engaged citizens and transformative leaders. Sponsored by the Buddhist Tzu Chi Charity Foundation, and co-organized by the Tzu Chi International Youth Association (TIYA) and Tzu Chi USA Global Partnership And Youth Department, IYLP delegates will be given opportunities to network with peers across the globe, conduct community service activities, and participate in international and United Nations conferences. 

The program is running from: April through December, 2025.

The vision of IYLP is to build a strong network of passionate and service-minded youth leaders with the drive for knowledge and desire to be contributing global citizens for the world and their communities.

IYLP includes:

  • Courses in Sustainable Development Goals
  • Support from mentors experienced on project topics
  • Scholarships to attend conferences on year 2026
  • Resources to organize local and international projects and events
  • Upon completion, a Certificate of Completion and access to other exciting opportunities.


  • Foster young leaders with a broad global perspective, the ability to create solutions to sustainability issues, and a spirit of humanistic culture and care.
  • Build a strong network of passionate and service-minded youth leaders.
  • Provide youth opportunities to engage in international activities through a multifaceted and practical training program.

Application Deadline: 14 March 2025

Method of Application 

Interested and applicant should Go to : 

Click Here to Apply 

Virtual Information Session Link:

For more further description, please refer to:

Visit our website to get more information:

Application Guide 

You will need the following to complete the Application Form:

ID Photo: Please provide a photo taken in the last six months that will be suitable for ID use.

  • Cover Letter (one A4 page, size 12, PDF):
    • Please use the following questions to guide your Cover Letter:

Tell us about yourself. What global issues are you passionate about and what works have you partaken to address these issues?

What are your interests and involvement in community work?

Why have you chosen to apply for IYLP and what do you wish to gain from this Program?

Curriculum Vitae (two A4 pages, size 12 font, PDF)

2 Letters of Recommendations (PDF only):

  • Please include the following details for your referee:
    • Name
    • Position and Organization
    • Contact Details
    • Relations to the Applicant


Please do not submit more than one application. We will only use the first application submitted if more than one application is received. If there are any problems with the online submission, please contact

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